Automated emails you may receive:
Payment confirmations
Auto Renewals (if they are set up)
Renewal reminders - for add ons (Membership, Qualifications, Certifications etc) that require renewal and have expiration dates set
- Action Required / Suspended items (terminology may vary)
Event entry confirmations/ tickets
Event reminders (if the entrant has a requirement that is due to expire before the event takes place)
How often are renewal reminders sent?
The renewal reminders will be triggered and these reminders will be sent via emails to the primary contact of the member.
30 days prior to expiration (not sent if on 'Auto Renewal')
7 days prior to expiration
1 day prior to expiration (not sent if on 'Auto Renewal')
If the individual has not renewed their item they will also receive reminders:
1 day after expiration
30 days after expiration
60 days after expiration
90 days after expiration
What content is on an Action Required Email?
These 'call-to-action' emails are sent when an item that has dependency requirements, goes into an 'Action Required' / 'Suspended' state. For example, a Coach Qualification that requires an Individual Membership to be valid, but the Individual Membership lapses.
In such instances 1 (ONE) email is sent at the time the item becomes action required, to the Primary Contact, with a simple explanation as to what item for which member is now action required / suspended, why that is and hyperlinks to the items that need to be renewed to meet the dependency requirements.
Who receives the emails?
Automated emails for reminders will be sent to the primary contact of the individual. This will be addressed to the manager of the account.
Payment confirmation and event tickets will be sent to the person who processed the payment. (This can be an NGB administrator if processing is carried out on the individual's behalf).
Why are automated emails from
All automated emails are sent from one central email address ( These emails are triggered based on 'crons' (automated rules) that essentially batch emails together. Batching these emails gives them the best chance to avoid spam/ junk filters and land in users inboxes.
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