Our Single Sign-On (SSO) uses the 2.0 standard, here’s a link to the SSO Docs which contains detail on how the process works.
If you're not familiar with the SAML 2.0 documentation this may look daunting, however most languages have third party bundles that'll provide all of the functionality for you and will simply require a few configurable values to get setup. When looking for third party bundle to provide SAML functionality, it would be beneficial to try and find one with automated certificate rollover and must use sha512.
All of the information required for our test IDP can be found here.
If you could provide us with your meta data URL we'll get your access setup.
Once authenticated you'll receive a AuthnRequest Response to your AssertionConsumerServiceURL this will contain a uuid for the user that can then be used to query the platform API for additional information. Please let me know what data you'd like to received once a user is authenticated and we'll get your access configured to the relevant API endpoints.
Please us know if you’ve got any questions.
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