As an Event Organizer do I have to pay a fee to hold an event?
Put simply, there is no single answer to this. Each NGB has their own set of rules and structures regarding fees for holding an event. In this case, the best thing to do is to contact your NGB who will be able to guide you around their Event Sanctioning fee structure.
Will users be charged to enter events?
This entirely depends on if the event has an entry fee.
If the event has an entry fee
If the event has an entry fee the user will be charged as they will need to pay the entry fee in order to complete their entry. An entry fee may be subject to additional fees as per the Terms and Conditions which are agreed to when sanctioning an event.
If the event doesn’t have an entry fee
If the event does not have an entry fee, the user will not be charged to enter an event. The entry status will update to ‘Current’ once the user completes the entry form.
Why is my event not on the website calendar?
In the case of your event not displaying on the website calendar, you will need to check your event admin panel to check you have selected the box to display on the website calendar (if available).
To check if the box has been selected, follow these steps:
Login (make sure you switch into the account that has access to the event)
Click ‘Events Admin’
Locate your event and click the settings button to access the admin panel of the event
Click ‘Event Info’
Locate the question: ‘Display event on website calendar’ (this may appear with a slightly different field name)
Check to see if this selected as ‘Yes’
If this is selected as ‘No’ all you need to do is select ‘Yes’ and then click ‘Save’ and this will display on the website calendar.
If this box has been selected as ‘Yes’ and the event is not displaying on the website calendar you will need to contact support.
Note: Some NGBs have sanctioning options that automatically default events to NOT appear on event calendars. Where this option is used, these events cannot be made visible on external locators/ calendars.
Why am I getting an error when trying to submit an Event Sanction Request?
This will be because of the information input on the Sanction Request Form.
Common issues include:
- Having the same Name and Event Dates as an event already created - for events to be recognized as unique, these cannot be an identical match
- Inputting values that are not recognized - for example, the Entry Fee field does not require the currency symbol
- Uploading an unrecognized file type - please adhere to the accepted file types in the instructional information
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