There is limited capacity for users to modify their own entry once it has been processed and paid for.
This feature is only available if your NGB has allowed front-end alterations on their Platform and it's only possible to change zero cost items, or editable pieces of information on the entry form (i.e. emergency contact information).
Click ‘Events’ (or ‘Courses’/ ‘Tournaments’)
Find the event you entered
Click ‘Complete’ and then click ‘Next’ to see your entry
Click the green ‘Complete’ button next to your name to maximise your event entry
- Click 'Edit Entry' if you wish to make changes to the categories you entered (if this feature is not visible, it means it is not available)
Make the relevant changes and click ‘Update’
Note: If the fields are locked/ the 'Edit Entry' button is not available, the settings mean that changes are not permitted and the user will need to contact the event organizer to make the change.
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