What constitutes a secure password?
Password security is a top priority of Sport:80 to ensure the safety of all our clients and their members. The following requirements are needed to ensure password security.
At least 10 characters
Upper- and lower-case characters
At least one number
- A special character
Note: Users are required to create a new password every 12 months for security purposes.
Click here for information on how to reset your password.
Why is the Platform preventing me from using my ‘usual password’?
The Platform will prevent you from using your ‘usual password’ if it is considered to be a vulnerable password. We take online security very seriously and one of our many security protocols is to ensure that unsafe passwords aren’t used to access the Platform or any of our products/services.
The password that you entered was automatically referenced with ‘Have I Been Pwned?’, a trusted online service that allows internet users to check whether their personal data has been compromised by data breaches globally. It is important to note that only the password you entered was flagged as being involved in a data breach. This does not necessarily mean any other personal information was involved in the breach; it may just be that your password is not unique.
Tips to follow when creating a new password:
Avoid the obvious - Avoid basing your password around something that others might know about you. Avoid nicknames, initials, birthdays, the name of your street and so on.
Make it unique - Don’t reuse old passwords and make sure new passwords are unique as possible. Have a different unique password for each of your online accounts.
Letters, numbers & symbols - Using a combination of uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers and special characters and/or symbols will make your password much more secure.
Longer is stronger - The longer you make your password the stronger and more secure it is likely to be. Make sure it is at least 12 characters long.
Remembering your passwords - Use a reputable password manager application to keep on top of your passwords. Many include useful password generators to create the most secure passwords.
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