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Sport:80 Knowledge Base
Platform Design
Navigating the Platform on a mobile display
How to see a 'mobile view' on a desktop
Iām trying to register but it tells me I already have an account?
Platform Navigation
How to add an 'Add On' to a profile
How do I update my email address?
Why has my log in 'timed out'?
What can I do within my account?
Can I resend my membership email?
Why is my membership in an 'Action Required' or 'Pending Approval' status?
How do family memberships work?
How do I affiliate to the relevant organization(s) through my membership?
Membership Payments
Adding, renewing and upgrading my membership
General Administration
What is the Resources section?
Can I use my existing web address on the club websites?
Member profile pictures
How can I check and change who has access to my profile?
How do I add a member to my organization (Clubs/ Regions/ Schools/ Zones etc.) account?
Passes & Certificates
How to add an E-pass to your smartphone
Why haven't I received an E-Pass or Certificate?
How do dependencies work?
What are 'Dependencies'?
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